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What is Coaching?

Coaching assists a client to achieve whatever they want in all areas of their life. It identifies where the individual is currently in their lives, where they want to be, what choices they have for closing this gap and finally what they will commit to. 

Coaching is a collaborative relationship between a coach and a coaching client, with the primary purpose of facilitating a client’s progress towards their goals. This is typically a solution-focused and systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of general life experience, personal growth and self-directed learning. 

What is the difference between coaching, therapy, counselling and mentoring?

You might have heard that ‘coaching is really like therapy, counselling and mentoring, isn’t it?’ Absolutely not. Patients seeking therapy and/or counselling usually have a problem arising from a specific incident, condition or trauma. A coaching client usually hasn’t experienced any of these. Many clients are successful, fulfilled people already and are looking to raise the bar, experience even more success and become more effective at what they already do well. A therapist or counsellor usually starts with the past to find the solution to an existing condition. A coach on the other hand ‘draws a line in the sand’ and starts with the ‘present’ and ‘the future’. 

What is Presence?

Presence is when you’re no longer waiting for the next moment, believing that the next moment will be more fulfilling than this one. Eckhart Tolle

Why is being present important?

Practicing mindfulness can boost your memory, increase your focus, reduce stress, improve your emotional fitness and most of all, learning how to be present will help you live with passion and purpose. Anthony Robbins

Why do I need a life coach?

With limited time, busy days, too many decisions and social media reporting all news in real time, people turn to coaches to provide a ‘pause’ to the chaos. It’s a way to access to a guide so we aren’t alone as we navigate all of life. People also want a sounding board to determine how they’re doing with their relationships, their career, their health and even their happiness.

Why do I need to complete my session package with a certain duration?

It is important that you regularly attend the sessions so that you’re able to consistently take action, quickly shift your perspective of your life situation and focus on what really matters in order to achieve your desired outcome.